Journey of the Ice Boat

Working at night on the ice

(sorry about the wind sound, it was intense)

End of day one Sweden making of Ice Boat

Making the full scale Mold in Sweden

Sweden 1st day, making a path

Packing the car moments before the "Journey of the Ice Boat" begins

Making second Glass Paddle in the Netherlands

First attempt on making a glass paddle

Berlin Ice boat performance

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Descriptions of studio projects

Descriptions of studio projects

“Interaction” aka (Ice hand)

This Happening is a interaction I will create between a ice hand and a or multiple participants. The climax arises when the participant can't connect no longer or the ice hand melts away.
Every interaction between ice and humans is unique what the out come happens to be depends on the participants.

“Charged Reflection” aka (Frozen TV)

This concept consists up of a television which showing nothing but unfocused grey buzzing screen that is incased in a thick ice block.
This work reflects the continuation of the MTV Generation which is still active in todays society. I like to reflect that the television incased in ice symbolizes that the television still prevails even in extreme times.

“Bailout” aka (Frozen pennies)

This Sculpture consists of 10,000 pennies (hundred dollars worth of pennies) and incased in ice. This ice sculpture is based on the idea of the 21 first century economic bailout plan. What is happening to our currency? Where does the money go? How does this effect?
The pennies symbolizes the economy, the ice symbolizes the people in control of the money and the location symbolizes the destiny of the money.

I still have to figure out more details of where “Bailout” should be placed.

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Below is my first years work in Transart

Below is my first years Transart studio work which is a series of ephemeral film, sculpture, installation created over the first year at transart which led me to this ice boat project.


"Economic Melt Down" (First Draft model)

"Interacting with Currency"


Medium: Ice and plastic installation

"Another Interaction"

"Last Call"

"Interaction" clip

"Transfer" (installation)

"Transfer" (installation)
medium: Ice/water, plastic bottles Duration: 8 hours

"Transfer" (Installation)

"Transfer" (Installation)
medium: Ice/water, plastic bottles Duration: 8 hours

"Transfer" (Installation)

"Transfer" (Installation)
medium: Ice/water, plastic bottles Duration: 8 hours


first few layers of ice, freezing television in progress


first few layers of ice, freezing television in progress


first few layers of ice, freezing television in progress


first few layers of ice, freezing television in progress

"Bailout" (possible location)

"Bailout" (possible location)

"Bailout" model

"Bailout" model
close up

"Bailout" model

"Bailout" model
"Bailout" test Run

"Bailout" Model

"Bailout" Model
"Bailout" test pic